A UNIQUE EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM in partnership with ELMA (European Languages and Movies in America)
“The most important film program offered to Los Angeles schools by a festival.”
COLCOA and ELMA proudly support a new generation of foreign films viewers by offering two educational programs: COLCOA HIGH SCHOOL SCREENINGS and COLCOA MASTER CLASS PROGRAM.
More than 100 high schools in Southern California have attended the festival to date and we will welcome our 20,000th student in 2017. Most of them have never seen a foreign film before and the feedback from teachers and students is unanimously positive. Teachers and students come from areas as far as Victorville to Rancho Palos Verdes, and run the gamut of education: public, private, and magnets.
The Master Class program is dedicated to students from colleges, film schools, and universities with the participation of French filmmakers attending the festival. Every year, two to three master classes are scheduled at COLCOA and campuses during the festival.
COLCOA’s educational partner ELMA gathers key feedback from teachers and students every year, here is a sample for 2016
What students say about their experience at COLCOA (Source: ELMA):
“I really enjoyed being able to attend this event and it really showed me how interesting foreign films can be. (2016, King Drew Magnet Medical High School)”
“My experience at COLCOA was incredible, and I think that every high school should be able to give its students a similar one. (2016, Redondo Union High School)”
“Our whole French class enjoyed the French film, La Vache, and we would like to thank you for the opportunity to see a current comedy film in our favorite language……French. (2016, Palisades Charter High School)”
“COLCOA was a great experience and every student that goes to it is lucky. (2015, William and Carol Ouchi High School)”
“I absolutely loved the experience and want to go again. (2015, Chaminade College Preparatory High School, West Hills)”
“I enjoy and appreciate what the festival does for French students. It introduced me to loving foreign films. (2014, Hemet High School)”
“Amazing altogether. (2011, Marlborough School)”
“It’s great how you have this kind of thing to help students get a different view of movies from a different continent. Thank you. (2010, Warren High School)”
“I loved this movie! Kudos to Christian Carion! This was a good experience because I’m going to become a film director! (2010, Buena Park High School)”
“I can’t wait to go next year. (2010, Venice High School)”
Download PDF 1 – La Vache DP les reponses
Download PDF 2 – La Vache I DP preparation au film
Download PDF 3 – La Vache II DP Review Post Film